Bj's Place

Greetings and Salutations To All Far And Wide...... My name is Bj and I live in Fairbanks, Alaska. I'am 18 years old going on 40 or so says my mother. I'am alot of things, meaning...I love to write stories about Fantasy and Mystical Places....some could say that I write about things I would love to happen. I sing as well. I have never had any formal training but have been told I'm good. I Dance ALOT!! ask anyone they will tell goals in life are starting to become more clear to me. My options are now begining to make sense to me now. Oh look at me as I blabber away...I have a lot of good friends in which I like to think of as "my girls and boys". These are the people that have helped me more times then can be accounted for and they all hold a special place in my heart and always will. We are however falling apart and it tears me apart to have to think about life without these terrific people. My links will take you to the page in which I have kept aside for them and them alone. This Webpage is and will probably be underconstruction for awhile so please bare with me...enjoy!!


My Girls/My Boys/Me
Wave Files/Stories/Photo's/Anime/Quotes
Friends Pages/Artwork/Poetry